Supercop of Aryavrat by Mithilesh Kumar

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The tales of Lord Krishna are known to everyone. We have seen numerous series and heard many stories of little Krishna. Also,, we have heard and read about Krishna in Mahabharata,, especially during the Kurukshetra war. But we never got to read a book that is actually the biography of Krishna. We have Bhagavata but that’s not accessible to everyone and also since it’s huge, it would be exhausting to read the whole book. 

Mithilesh Kumar, through his book Supercop of Aryavrat, brings to the readers a whole book that summarises the life of Lord Krishna. 

Mithilesh Kumar spins a tale in which love and romance blossom while the fiercest of battles are being fought, treachery and malevolence raise their ugly heads time and again, alliances are forged, friendships are tested, unlikely events happen and the ‘SuperCop’ manages it all with panache.

The plot takes off with the battle in Dwarka and how Balram and Krishna helplessly face the death of millions of Yadavas. Many of the readers are unaware of the scenario and hence it would be a new experience. Further, the plot takes us to the birth of Krishna. The curse by Narada, Kamsa’s atrocities, and how Krishna teaches Yashodha. From there a detailed yet concise account of Krishna’s life takes off. Deliberately or not, the author has kept the narrative simple and easily comprehensible to the point of being vernacular.
The story of Pandavas, Kauravas, and the war is portrayed from Krishna’s perspective. How Krishna is caught between accusations is a new angle in the whole tale. At some points, there is a seeming confusion between the contemporary narration, and traditional. For instance, the princess is addressed as Rajakumari while Kunti is addressed as Auntie by Krishna. The climax sums up why the beginning of the story took place but it could have been extended to the point where Krishna bids adieu to the materialistic world.

“Do you think you are the SuperCop of Aryavrat?”

The title could have been different because the term ” Supercop of Aryavrat” gives the impression of a futuristic science fiction wherein the book is indeed historical fiction. 
Overall the book is an engaging read. 
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