Author – Anil C S Rao
Publisher –
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The book is a futuristic imagination by the author. The plot takes off with Bharati giving away the source of her information regarding sex. As the title mentions Bharati had a theory fit everything but the book is not about Bharati’s theory but about Arun’s experiments and time travel.
Author opens the door to an era of robots and clones. The book is short but takes time to get into the groove. Why author went for a short book when his topic is SCI-FI is something the warrants a discussion. The character craft is commendable. Be it Bharati, Arun, Aryaraj the characters have an individuality and hence contributes to the storyline.
Nonetheless the book failed to hook me and I had to drop it half way around. It would be unfair on my part if I say that the book don’t deserve to be finished but for someone who is not much a fan of sci-fi and futuristic fantasy, the book is a tough one to get hooked to.
Futuristic Sci-Fi fantasy
Scenario: 3.5 /5
Narration : 3/5
Character : 3.5/5
Entertainment Quotient: 3/5
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