Letters to my Ex by Nikita Singh- Review

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Name          – Letters to my Ex
 Author                 – Nikita Singh
 Publisher              – Harper Collins 
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My Review
Rating : 3.5

Would you walk off from your engagement with your long time boyfriend? Nidhi did and could not pin point a reason why she did so. Hence she is unable to get a closure and at the same time unable to answer Abhay’s calls let alone face him. Thinking that writing your heart out let you escape the demons, Nidhi starts writing letter to her ex, Abhay , which she kept inside a folder not to be sent. As much as she expected to get peace of mind, she could not escape the void that the break up created in her life. While trying to pacify her heart for her brain’s decision, she encounters Abhay’s but turns her back to him. Abhay on the other hand emails her asking her why exactly did she ditch him.
This spirals a new chapter in their life when both of them tries to sort out the differences and move on as friends.

The first half of the book is all about the letters that Nidhi wrotes as well as the mails and messages they shared. The second half kicks off when they meet at Rajasthan for a friend’s wedding where Abhay walks in with his then girlfriend.
Will Nidhi be able to face them? Will the trip make a difference in their life? The rest of the book gives the answer to these questions.

Nidhi’s letters are very emotional and touching. The words used, level of control and the reasonings make sure that the relation is not mere puppy love. There is a lot of maturity between the two protagonists. Nonetheless, Nidhi’s character comes off as as a confused, indecisive one. At one point she walks off from her engagement, at another point she is suffering from the decision, on a third level she seems to move on, on the next level she wants Abhay back. Lot of confusion is happening there. After the wedding sequence, the story becomes predictable. It seems as if author herself did have a clarity about the letters but no idea about how to conclude this.

The book is undoubtedly an interesting one with novelty in narration. Whole through the book authoress reminded me of Nicholas Sparks. But fortunately or unfortunately, the book is not as tragic as Nicholas Sparks books. I recommend the book to all romance lovers who want to read an intense love story.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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