10 Essentials to the blueprint of happiness by Bhanu Arora

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Name         – 10 Essentials to the blueprint of happiness

Author                  – Bhanu Arora
Publisher              – Power Publishers
Number of Pages – 140
Publishing Year   – 2017
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 225

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Rating : 4.0

My Review

I am not quite keen to use the word self-help while referring to a book. If you can help yourself what is the role of book. Well, it depends on the how one perceives the whole concept. What I was insinuating was that I would not like to term this as a self-help book.This is more like a friend telling us the blueprints of happiness from his experiences.

Experience is the best teacher. If we read a whole 500 page book of how to be happy, nothing would remain in your mind unless you can relate to the topics discussed. Even if the topics discussed are relateable, still the book might not engage you if not narrated in a way that holds your interest. That’s where Bhanu Arora excelled as a writer. From the beginning itself, author succeeded in holding the interest of the reader. His dilemma while his wife is in travail was easily conveyed. We have often witnessed people who always mind their own business in an extremely literal sense. Only when they face a difficult situation does they realize that minding other’s business is also important. But to how extend is also important. If someone keep on poking their nose in other’s business then it is sleazy. Author has conveyed this simple message along with highly philosophical matters in a simple language, comprehensible to everyone. If someone needs help, he/she need not be well versed in literature. If you need to help someone you should tell them in simple words and that is what this book does.

Happiness is not something that can be served in a golden platter. It is something that lies within. We need to realize it and explore. A great help on that front from the author. One cannot expect a highly philosophical literature with deep metaphors. This book is like a friend who patients tells you life’s lessons from his own life, so is the author.

This review is in return of a free book from Writers Melon

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