Understanding the Black Economy and Black Money in India by Arun Kumar

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Understanding the Black Economy and Black Money in India

Author                  – Arun Kumar
Publisher              – Aleph Spotlight 
Number of Pages -144
Publishing Year   -2017
Edition                  -Hardback

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Rating : 3.5

My Review

November 8, 2016 is a date which will be written in bold letters in the Indian Economic history. Demonitization came as a bolt from the dark to common citizen in India. Even though the intention behind the same is novel,  whether the attempt was a success our failure need to be seen.  Arun Kumar,  through his book Understanding the black economy and black money in India lays bare the real definition and sources of black money and analyses the outcome of demonitization.

The initial part of the book gives an awareness about the whole black money scene. We have been fed upon a wrong notion that major part of the black money lies in the real estate sector. Author states that unlike the General notion, black money cannot be studies in a single dimension. The book is educational, insightful and well rehearsed.

Nevertheless, author takes a prejusdistic and biased stand.  In lieu of a systematic pros and cons analysis, author has shunned the idea as outrageous and stupid.
Overall the book is academically high graded yet going with antagonistic wave. 

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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