Kissing the Demon by Amrita Kumar-Review

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Name         – Kissing the Demon

Author                  – Amrita Kumar
Publisher              – HarperCollins
Number of Pages – 268
Publishing Year   -2016
Edition                  – Paperback 
                    – 350

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Rating : 4.0

My Review

The first thought that came to my mind after reading the book was ‘I wish if I had this book before I published my debut novel. Because if had, I wouldn’t have made the mistakes. If you are planning to write a book you should grab this one to channelize your literary prowess.

Through a systematic pattern, authored a tells the readers about the do’s bad don’ts in publishing. There are a lot of sharks in the arena who try to gobble up the lives’ earnings of the naive writers. There are several mistakes we make while writing, which, when we look back, seem silly. Amrita claims that she had never been a stickler for rules till she herself became an editor. Authoress claims that rules while imposed, seem unjustified initially but eventually, sticking to the rules will provide you the fruit. 

The exercises to overcome writers block is the best take home message in the book. The magic of thoughtless writing is introduced to the readers. The book cannot be analysed single dimensionally. The points cited benefits the readers who are to become writers.

I would recommend the book to 1. all writers who want to publish their first book.
2. Writers who had published book (s) which they think coild have been better 
3. Readers and reviewers to understand the painful emotional trauma during th process of writing.

The tag line, a creative writer’s handbook, itself tells about the book. Carry this book around to remind you about the mistakes you might commit.

This review is in return of a free book from Writers Melon

About the author

Amrita Kumar is an anthologist, novelist, writing-mentor and creative writing teacher. She began her career in the godowns of Daryaganj to select books for a chain of bookshops, moving on as research writer for the Department of Culture, Government of India, then on to publishing as associate editor, Penguin India; editor-in-chief, Roli Books; managing editor, Encyclopedia Britannica; editor, Indian Design and Interiors magazine and vice-president, Osian’s Literary Agency. In addition, she has freelanced for Rupa and Co., HarperCollins India and Oxford University Press. She lives in New Delhi.
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