Review of Babies and Bylines by Pallavi Aiyar

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Name         – Babies and Bylines

Author                  -Pallavi Aiyar
Publisher              -Harper Collins
Number of Pages – 272
Publishing Year   -2016
Edition                  -Paperback
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Rating : 3.0

Babies and Bylines is a parenting memoir of a working mother of two
young boys in three different parts of the world – Beijing, Brussels and
Jakarta. Witty, irreverent and honest, it highlights the battles a mother must
fight with herself, and the world, as she struggles with issues that seem to
stubbornly remain the same, generation after generation work-life balance,
negotiating marital equality and taming toddlers.

My Review

I carried you in my womb for 10 months’ would be the lines said by 99% mothers. But after delivery I used to wonder why didn’t mothers mention about travail and babysitting while counting the sacrifices. May be they still have chills while thinkingof the nightmare.
Pallavi Aiyar, through her book Babies and Bylines opens a new worlds of parenthood for the readers.
Having reviewed a couple of books on the same topic I was expecting the same from the book. But, authoress has her signature with the unique narration.
Parenthood doesn’t end up with a mother. Fathers too have their role. Showing the father’s side is the USP of the book.
Now stop feeling guilty about what you did or could have done. It’s okay, every parent makes mistakes.
Being a mother, I find this boo, perfect.
Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

journalist Pallavi Aiyar has spent several years reporting from, and parenting
in, China, Europe and Indonesia. She is the author of Smoke and Mirrors,
Chinese Whiskers and Punjabi Parmesan. Pallavi is a World Economic Forum Young
Global Leader, and a former Reuters Fellow at Oxford University.

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