Review of Parenting in the age of Sexposure by Vandita Dubey

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Name          –  Parenting in the age of Sexposure

Author                  – Vandita Dubey
Publisher              – Rupa Publications
Number of Pages – 174
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 295
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Rating : 4.5


Parenting in the Age of Sexposure approaches the thorny issue of sex and
sexuality in the lives of children, at a time when the media and the Internet
bombard kids with countless sexualizing, explicit messages ‘Thin is good’;
‘Having sex is “in”; ‘Sex has nothing to do with commitment’.

How do
parents bring up children when the media overwhelmingly portrays girls and
women as sexual objects, encourages boys to form superficial relationships and
reinforces gender biases? How do they secure their kids’ emotional wellbeing,
while admitting that sexuality is an integral part of the human experience?
Equally, how do they deal with the ugly realities of sexual violence and abuse
and safeguard their children’s interests?

in the Age of Sexposure attempts to address these questions and offer ideas for
conscious parenting.

My Review

Parenting is a stage in life full of excitement and pleasure  but accompanied by equal amount of stress, anxiety, dilemma and confusion. Every parent might have been asked questions like Where did I come from? Situations like discouraging one’s child from touching  his/genitals, preventing them from using abusive words etc are also not unheard of. Many parents even have to deal with different sexual orientations and also cyber exploitation. While some situations can be prevented or diverted with smartness, some other need to be faced and dealt with patience. 

Parenting  in the age of sexposure is a pointer to such situations and provide feasible solutions which are equally educating and emboldening. The chapter  ‘The different expressions of Gender and sexuality’ in  the book makes itself it more than worth the money. The identity crisis faced by LGBT community is primarily due to lack of support from  family. Author says how to face your child if he/she reveals their sexual orientations and how to accept them and encourage them in revealing the inevitability.

This book is one of the most relevant one in the parenting series. Every parent should read this  

Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

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