Review of Beauty and Truth in love by Dipankar Sadhukhan

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Name                    – Beauty and truth in love

Author                  –  Dipankar Sadhukhan
Publisher              –
Number of Pages – 83

Publishing Year   – 2016

Edition                  – Paperback 

Price                     – 170

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Rating : 3.0

Beauty and Truth in Love’ is my third anthology of seventy one lovely
amorous lyrics. Since my childhood, I have been deriving much pleasure from
literature, especially from poetry. So poetry is my love and passion. Poetry is
my soul. The poetry of the English poets (from John Milton to T S Eliot) has
influenced my life so much. I am very impressed by the poetry of the Indian
poets (from the Sufi poets to Rabindranath Tagore). I can t think of my life
without poetry. The world of poetry is totally different from reality. It is
filled with beauty, love and happiness. It gives me aesthetic pleasure and
infinite joy both of which are not possible to gain in this mundane world. I
can easily transport myself to Paradise on the wings of imagination which is
the key to my creativity.

My Review

Love is a feeling that will never tire someone. It is an emotion which will never lose its relevance. Let it be towards your spouse ,friends, siblings, parents or offsprings, love is divine. Even dreams are given their share of love. Poet, through a collection of poems dedicates his poetic musings to love. The poetry collection is divided into several parts. Most of the poems are sonnets with seamless rhyming. The poems are simple, yet enchanting. 

Some of the poems are repetitive. The poems bring a smile on your face. The poem dedicated to his daughter brought tears in my eyes because I could see my own daughter in his verses. Read this poetry collection if you love someone, if you had loved someone, if you will love someone no matter how deeply. After reading the poems we will fee only one emotion – Love and love only

Reviewed for the publisher

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

It is
said oft that a poet is someone who is a blessed soul. Dipankar Sadhukhan, a
teacher and a poet friend is definitely a blessed one for he has been doing
what many people find it very difficult to do in our modern hedonistic world.
He is searching for Beauty and Truth through his poetic endeavour. But then
poetry can never exist without that pursuit. Finding Beauty and Truth and Love
is the quintessential element of poesy. Reading his book ‘Beauty and Truth in
Love’ is like understanding various facets of life. While in poems like ‘O My
Dear Angel, the Source of My Mirth’, ‘O My Little Princess, Next to Deity!’ one
finds father’s love for his daughter, poems like ‘True Love Doesn’t Alter with
the Course of Time’, ‘Love Isn’t Love When It Wears….’ bring out the pains
and sufferings of a poet seeing the world being corrupted everyday by forces which
are inhuman and ruthless. Interestingly, as a poet can never lead his
generation to despair, so Dipankar moves on to uphold the true Beauty of love
through his poems which celebrate nature’s bounty and abundance. Poems like
‘Autumn Has Appeared with Fragrant Flowers’ bear testimony to the poet’s
insatiable romantic quest which tends to be spiritual and rightly so! Wishing
all the success to his endeavour.

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