Review of Parenting in the age of anxiety

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Book Name   – Parenting in the age
of anxiety
                 – Dr. Zirak Marker

Publisher              – Rupa Publications 

Number of Pages – 121

Publishing Year   – 2016

Edition                  –
books from AmazonFlipkart

Rating : 3.0

Parenting in the Age of Anxiety acknowledges
that today’s generation is tormented by a number of issues exam stress,
bullying, peer pressure, sexual uncertainty that can snowball into full-blown
psychological conditions, from borderline personality disorders to anxiety and
learning impairments. Added to this are specific early, emotionally fraught
life experiences that demand coping skills, such as bereavement and adoption.
How should one help a child deal with a
bullying in school? What should you do when your son is burdened with exam
stress? How is a parent to deal with a depressed teen? Equally, is anxiety a
two-way street, passed on from caregiver to child and vice versa?
Drawing from case studies, diary entries,
letters and conversations, Parenting in the Age of Anxiety sensitively
approaches each of the issues that distress growing children and offers
valuable lifelines. This book reminds all guardians and nurturers to grant
themselves the right to make mistakes and give their children the freedom to
err and recover.

My Review

Parenting is always a complicated duty. If it’s a duty,
 obligation or sacrifice had always been  point of debate.
Nevertheless, it has been an accepted fact that handling your kids through
different stages of their life is a Herculean task. There had been umpteen
number of books targeted at helping the parents . Yet the need for help has
been never ending.

Parenting in the age of anxiety is a helping hand in tackling several issues
faced by and from your child. Academic stress, bullying,  peer pressure, learning
disability, borderline disorder, sexuality,  abuse, adoption, single
parenting,  and finally parental anxiety are the topics touched. 

Each chapter starts with a case study- letters or diary notes of parent’s and
kids about various issues and how a solution was reached. While these
narratives are inspirational, the solutions cited are not quite directive. They
were almost similar to the psychological advices we can get to read in
practically every magazines these days. Still if you’re a parent in trouble,
you will be happy  that you selected the book since it wouldgive you the
motivation to face the inevitable.  
Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this
book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not
required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author


Dr. Zirak Marker is a renowned child and adult
psychiatrist and psychotherapist with clinical training at the Westchester
Medical Centre, New York University. He has been practising for fifteen years
in the space of education psychology, guiding students with learning
disabilities, developmental delays and autism. He is currently the CEO (chief
executive officer) of the Aditya Birla Integrated School for children with
different learning needs.
Dr. Marker consults for various schools in
Mumbai and at the Saifee Hospital. He has conducted innumerable workshops and
given lectures to students, teachers, parents and other professionals. For his
outstanding contribution to children with learning disabilities, Dr. Marker has
been felicitated by the Mancherji Edalji Joshi Memorial Trust and for his
contribution to education, he has been awarded by the Zoroastrian Trust Funds
of India.

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