Review of Child/God by Ketan Bhagat

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Book Name      
  – Child/God

           – Ketan Bhagat

       – Rumour Books

Number of Pages – 351

Publishing Year   – 2016

           – Paperback 

              – 299
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 Rating : 4.0

“God comes into every house in the form of
a child.”

Naked, helpless, powerless, wealth-less, illiterate and ignorant, newborns
arrive happy, positive, full of smiles and love. Every child is unique and
perfect. The world stops to comfort a crying child.

The well-dressed, independent, power-hungry, wealthy, educated and worldly-wise
adults are imperfect, frustrated, bitter and stressed.

Yet, grown-ups teach children. The stressed mentor the stress-free. The unhappy
correct the happy. The confused guide the wise.

Welcome to the world of Raghav Malhotra, a typical MNC drone. Haunted by a
guilty past, our common man struggles to serve a thankless spouse, a
condescending family and a ruthless boss.

Inevitably, Raghav’s life collapses like a house of cards. Violence, whores,
alcohol and drugs follow.

Till God himself arrives.

You’ve read many stories about motherhood transforming a woman. Now, follow Raghav
on his self-enlightenment journey through the joys of fatherhood. Child/God is
a riveting story of a thirty-five-year-old disciple learning the meaning of
life from his six-month-old guru. Discover how Raghav’s living God transforms
his life – and yours. 

 My Review

is a multidimensional story of Raghav. An employee of an IT firm, not-so
brilliant in his school and college days, always compared with his studious,
smart, and intelligent brother, getting married to a pampered, headstrong,
stubborn girl, whom he himself spoils even more by mollycoddling, a
wannabe writer. Frustrated, angry, and fed up with the life, Raghav assorts to
several methods to overcome the depression of leading a meaningless life. His
life gets a new meaning when a little cute baby boy enters his life to play the
role of God himself. How Raghav’s life changes afterwards is the thread of the

Being a seasoned writer’s brother, it is more difficult to get acceptability to
one’s writing since his writing would be compared with his brother’s , time and
again. But, surprisingly or not author proved with his book that he
is not in the industry to exploit a celebrity. Strong,
touching story-line, captivating narration, compelling cliffhangers; the
book has everything that makes a bestseller. 

The book is huge for Indian standards. The page count is 351 but word count
might be nearly one lac since the dimensions of the book is more than what we
generally see. Hence a lazy reader might find it difficult to
complete the book. Some of the unnecessary details could have been cut short.
But it is an inevitable fact that the huge book never bored me as a reader.

The book had a lot of autobiographical elements or I felt so. Hence the first
person narration was giving a feel that Ketan was talking not Raghav. The book
can be categorized into multiplicity of genres like philosophical,
parenting, self help, contemporary and many more. Raghav’s character would make
us wish if all fathers were like him.

An excellent blurb speak everything about the book. A lot of care is taken in
character development. The plot is complicated but the narration is simple.
Soon to be made into a movie, the book will be the next talk of the town.

I recommend the book to all readers who are looking for a book with substance,
emotions, and  values.

Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I
received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I
was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are
my own.
About the author


Professionally, Ketan joined Satyam Computer
Services (the company that Mr Ramalinga Raju made both famous and infamous)
post his MBA from Narsee Monjee Institute in 2001. After a 1.5 year stint of
trying to learn programming and Tamil, destiny finally took mercy on the young,
frustrated North Indian and made Satyam show him little bit of the world – 2
years in Malaysia, 9 months in NZ and 4 years in Australia. About 2 years ago,
he moved back to India. Currently he works as a regional sales manager at an
MNC in Mumbai. Creative at heart, Ketan has done stints in Television (anchor,
script writer) and Print (articles in national dailies) during his college
days. Few years ago, he helped his brother script a Bollywood movie.

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