Review of Harley by Michelle Jo Quinn

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Book Name          – Harley
Author                  – Michelle Jo Quinn
Publisher              – Limitless Publishing
Number of Pages – 
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Kindle

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Rating : 4.0

With her ailing father on his deathbed, a whispered secret sends Cadence’s life into a tailspin. Determined to either confirm or debunk her father’s claim, she sets out on a mission to grow close to the only man with evidence to set things straight. To do that, Cadence earns a position in an elite security firm owned by her father’s old army buddy, Noah “Mac” Mackinley.

Mac is the only man who could hold the evidence to support her father’s claims…

But first, she must prove herself worthy of Mac’s trust and get close enough to find the truth. Her first mission is to watch over an eight-year old girl, Harley Clark.

Harley is not an ordinary girl. She’s the daughter of a rock star…

Despite her fragile appearance, Harley has tenacity and brilliance like nothing Cade has ever seen. To everyone’s surprise—including her own—Cade forms an unlikely friendship with the beautiful wallflower.

Her first assignment just became more interesting… 

When Harley’s rock star father, Jax Clark, enters the scene, Cade can’t deny the instant attraction for the self-proclaimed bad boy. Tattoos, piercing eyes, and a raspy voice that sends thousands of fans into a screaming frenzy, he’s more than just a heartthrob. Worse, Jax starts to pay her more attention than she expects. 

She’s faced with a choice—get lured in by the celebrity world and lose any chance of finding out the truth, or stick to the plan and avoid Jax at all costs to earn Mac’s trust.

My review

This is the forth or fifth time in the past two months that I am reviewing the Successful celebrity in love with unknown stunner type of stories. This has been the trend recently but most of the books failed to bring about novelty in the cliché.
Nevertheless Harley is an exception. I am already in love with the little girl. After finishing the story I could not believe that Harley is a fictional character. Her giggles, smiles, and sadness lingered with me. Since I started reviewing books, I rarely had this experience.

Even if the plot of the romance is a cliché, author has pulled of a different background to pull it off. Happily and surprisingly there is no overdose of erotic moments in the story. It’s interesting to see how Cade tried to cage herself from the who circus and how the little girl tried to get her back. Initially felt the whole scenario over the top but how it turned out, is very convincing and realistic.

Another attraction of the story is Jax’s friends and family. Unlike the stories where in rockstars are bluntly portrayed as drug addicts and womanizers, here author showed us that a life of fun, attachment and friendship is also possible.

Truth behind Cade’s existence and the twist with Fiona in the end was an unwanted. It could have been dealt differently. In between a perfectly crafted story, these two stuck out like a sore thumb.

Overall the book is a feast to the romance lovers and also for those who like to read a soft story of love, hate, music and grandeur.

Reviewed for the Xpresso Book Tour

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Michelle ‘s love for writing blossomed when her father gave her a diary. However, instead of recounting her daily life, she wrote stories of fictional people. Like most of her characters, she believes in Happily Ever After. Naturally, she finds harmony in writing romance.

An unabashed, self-proclaimed foodie, Michelle loves to try new food whenever she travels. She once had triple crème Brie and duck rillette for lunch on top of Grouse Mountain.
Michelle is an active member of RWA and several of its chapters. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids.

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