Interview with Shivangi Sharma author of I made a booboo

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Hi everyone
Today I have someone whom I can
relate to and empathize with. A mother, writer, SAHM.
I am not an
SAHM anymore! I wasn’t working for a bit when my son was born, but resumed work
Well That’s also great J
Welcome Shivangi Sharma, author of I
made a booboo to my virtual teté-a-teté

Tell us a little about yourself and
your background?
I was born
and brought up in Chandigarh, India. I studied Engineering, worked for a bit in
IT, and then went on to do MBA from ISB Hyderabad – following the very logical
sequence of things. After MBA I moved out of India for work, got married, and
have lived in 3 different countries in last 8 years. Right now, I live in
Amsterdam, with my husband and 3.5 year old son and I work as a marketing
manager. In some spare moments that I get, I write, sing, dance, and practice
yoga and meditation among other things.

When I read the blurb and title, I
myself asked for the book to review because the title was so catchy. How did
the title emerge?
Well, my
husband suggested the title and it immediately clicked with me. I have also
given credit for that to him in the book. I wanted it to be something that
immediately associates with children, parenting, and the fact that this is a
humorous, real book and not a guidebook on parenting. Therefore, it goes well
with the subject of the book, as booboo means a silly mistake or a goof up. And
that is what this book is about – the reality of parenting, all the mistakes I
did, all the booboos I made. So I am the booboo maker in the book

How did you manage the time to write
the book?
I used to
write when I was on a career break after the birth of my son. The time he used
to nap in the day or late in nights when he was sleeping, I would dedicate a
few hours every day. On weekends when husband was home, I would get a little
more time to write. But I was constantly thinking about the book even when not
writing, so I used to scribble down on paper napkins or post its whenever a
thought came rushing to my head. I had joined work before I got the publishing
offer, so I did a lot of editing work on trains and flights when I was
travelling for work. The passion to write this was strong that I didn’t have to
force myself to make time for it. In any spare moment that I’d get, I would
only write and do nothing else, even if that meant writing only two sentences
on some days.

How did you manage to control your
anger? I mean I have always been roaring like an ogre. 😛
Haha, well I
don’t anger very easily anyway. But yes I used to get stressed, irritated and
feel helpless. But if I would ever lose my calm, the guilt after that would be
so huge that I would be very conscious the next time. I learnt to laugh away at
everything pretty quickly, a result of which is this book. Writing was my
outlet for all emotions. Parenting gives you a very important lesson that there
is hardly anything in this world that is under your control. So if the baby is
not sleepy when you are, what can you ever do about it? You can’t force him to
sleep or to do anything else you want. Once you realize that, you just let
things be as they are and don’t get perturbed by them.

Does he know that you wrote a book
about him?
He does know
it is ‘mama and baby’s book’ and he recognizes that wherever he sees it. He knows
the name of the book too. But he doesn’t really understand the concept of me
writing a book about him and his mama. The book doesn’t even have any pictures
(except for some icons at the beginning of each chapter), so it hardly
interests him right now!

The most important question. What is your tuty fruity’s name?

Cute name. As cute as your son.

Well, coming
back to writing; what are your ambitions for your writing career?
I never want
to stop writing, because that is where I truly connect with myself. My biggest
dream is to write a life-changing book, one that can help millions of people
and that stays with them forever. It may not happen soon, may not happen at
all, but that is what I wish for. Let’s see!

So, what have you written?
Before ‘I
made a booboo’, I co-wrote a travel anthology titled ‘Dutched up’ about expat
living in the Netherlands. It is a collection of real life stories, and I have
one in that titled ‘A love affair called Amsterdam’. The book was rated among
top travel books of 2014 by the Wall Street Journal Blog. I have also written
for Mother’s World, Amsterdam Mamas and Women’s Web. I now also write on my

What are you working on at the
I sort of
half-wrote a book a while back but couldn’t pursue it further. I started
another one in the genre of romantic fiction. But I am still not sure which one
to get on with further. I don’t want to write just for the heck of getting my
second book out. There are millions of books coming out every day, so only when
I think I have a story to tell very strongly I will take it up.

Do you have a special time to write
or how is your day structured?
Not really.
My work has been very demanding lately so I haven’t done much writing and also
I am very busy promoting my current book. But when I get in the flow of
writing, I generally write late nights and weekend afternoons. So I will be
back to that rhythm pretty soon.

How was your publishing experience?
Easy peasy,
thankfully. I went via the normal route of sending in my proposal to a few
renowned publishers in India, exactly the way they had listed on their websites.
Within four months of submission, I had a nod of approval. After that it took
over one year for the book to come out while going through the process of
editing, proofreading, cover design etc.
Is there
anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
listen to Rakhi’s advice and read my book! And once you have, please let me
know what you thought of it. It should interest you even if you are not a
parent. But parents would definitely find a lot to relate to and laugh at.

How can readers discover more about
you and you work?
Shivangi Sharma

Thanks a lot
Shivangi, for taking time out from your demanding, job, son and life in
general. All the best for your book
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