Review- Misjudged Nuances by Garima Bohra

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Book Name         – Misjudged nuances
Author                 – Garima Bohra
Publisher             – Blackbuck Publishers
Number of Pages – 243 pages
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback

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Rating : 4.0

SOUMYA AWASTHI, a medical graduate finds herself in an extremely infuriating position when she is assigned to work with RIDHAAN AHUJA, an arrogant classmate and bitter enemy, who is determined to settle an old score with her. The internship begins on a rough-uptight note where each tries to outshine the other through work, arguments and fights. Until one grave incident which changes the circumstances and makes them forget their grudges. Gradually she starts trusting her foe-turned-friend and soon both develop tender feelings for one another. But the perfect phase of her life shatters when a well preserved secret is exposed causing a serious problem wherein the price of Soumya’s recklessness is paid by her best friends Tarang and Anjali. Will Soumya be able to save herself and her friends? Is Anjali right when she blames Ridhaan for the situation and accuses him of framing them? Can vengeance overpower every emotion? Can your feelings and faith break your own heart and hurt your soul?

My Review

Misjudged nuances is a contemporary fiction, women’s fiction, love story, story of friendship and also a book with social commitment. The narrative style is quite convincing and neat. Each character is developed through the story. 

The whole story is a breezy trip through the lives of the characters especially Soumya. There is a lot of sincerity in the book. Let it be the friendship between Soumya, Anjali and Tarang or the relation between Soumya and Ridhaan author explained and easily connected with the readers effortlessly. I have been reading back to back romance stories these days and I must say that this is the first book without filmy scenes and overdose of ‘I love you’s. 

I appreciate author’s effort to bring into light the medical requirements of the neglected sections of the society.

Notwithstanding the positives, the climax failed to impress me. It was a cliche and predictable. With a little more effort on that end, the book could have been a perfect romantic story.

Reviewed for the author

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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