Review- The other end of the corridor by Sujatha Rajpal

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Book Name        –  The Other end                                       of the corridor
Author                –   Sujatha Rajpal
Publisher            –   Mahaveer                                               Publishers
No.of Pages        –   240   
Publishing Year-   2015
Edition               –   Paperback
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Rating : 3.5



When your dreams are tainted with lies and deceit, you have no other choice but to walk to the other end of the corridor

Leela has nothing extraordinary about her except the dream to become famous. Her desires take wings when she gets married to a handsome boy from a respectable family in Delhi. But her dreams are shattered even before they have a chance to take flight.
She happens to meet two friends from a long forgotten past, which infuses hope and opens new avenues to realize her dormant aspirations.

Leela delves into previously unexplored paths of deception and forbidden passions that only make her stronger.

In an attempt to rediscover herself, she falls in love with life and with herself but her life takes a sudden turn again…
No matter what, Leela will continue to chase her dreams.

Where does this journey take her? 

My review

There are three types of book.1- With a unique story line but poorly written. 2- With an ordinary heard about story written with finesse 3- both

The other end of the corridor comes under the second classification. We have read many stories about an ordinary looking girl plunged into an arranged marriage, an abusive relationship, her struggle, rejuvenation, friends, flings etc. But authoress pulled off the ordinary story with an extra ordinary writing style. Every event that happens in Leela’s (protagonist) life is connected and rendered  coherently. Authoress tells us the importance of education, empowerment, and recognition of women.

The book is the first person narration of Leela, more of a monologue. Leela’s dreams and whims are in tune with many girls of the same mould. The reader would say, I know her.

The story is not a fast moving one but not dull. It has the potential to grab the attention of the readers.  Nevertheless, I could predict what will happen next, since I have read similar stories. There are a lot of characters moving in and out of the storyline. Each character is crafted well, with the glimpses of people whom we see around. 

Another unique quality which I liked is that Leela is not portrayed as a perfect, poor, cold soul, like many female oriented books. Leela too has many flaws and authoress pulled out the cliche by portraying her as a true human being, rather than like a daily soap heroine who could never be wrong. 

Leela’s daydreaming is an interesting part of the story. It reminded me of how I daydreamed of becoming a famous author, being interviewed by media for grabbing an award. Yes, we all do that.


  • Sincerity
  •  Character craft
  • Social responsibility
  • Exceptional writing style


  • Cliche theme
  • Predictability
  • Appealing book cover

One Liner

An ordinary story from an extraordinary writer.
Reviewed for the book club blog tour

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Sujata Rajpal is a Corporate Communication & PR professional turned a full-time author. She holds an MPhil degree in Economics and has studied Mass Communication from Panjab University, Chandigarh. She also writes articles and short stories for publications and journals. Sujata is a yoga enthusiast and enjoys being a Toastmaster. She currently lives in Mysore.

The Other End of the Corridor is her first novel

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