Review of Ambling Indian by Aina Rao

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Book Name        –  Ambling Indian
Author                –   Aina Rai
Publisher            –   Frog books
No.of Pages       –    189
Publishing Year –   2015
Edition               –    Paperback
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Rating : 3.5



“This book, a fun trip through India—with all the peculiar experiences of the country, has the ingredients to intrigue, the spice to savour, and the nuggets of reflection to delight! Meet the characters of Chand TV and Changa Times—Madam Chandni, Mr. Chatu, Mr. Raja Chata, voluptuous Ms. Kitry Kat; and the others—the boyfriend Runny Singh, Tinuji, swashbuckling Mr. Anal Manbee, Jamal and the Mangoman. Watch their lives intertwining with the young and lively Ambling Indian’s, as they navigate through the lanes, bylanes, gallis, and mohallas that make up much of India. Coast through Bollywood, the elite Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management—hallowed Oxbridges of the East; weddings, politics, and modern offices. Duck and dive as you avoid the cows, potholes, and street dogs. Celebrate the functions and everything else that is the substance of modern India; chaotic yet captivating. Sit back, brace yourself for a quirky, rollicking auto rickshaw ride, and lose yourself in time as you travel with the aam aadmi (the common man). Discover an India like you have never seen before— through the mirror of the Ambling Indian, Aina; who discovers an unknown side of herself too.”

My review

The foremost thing that came to my mind is whether the book is fiction or nonfiction. Well, the book is invariably a fictional work for the names are imaginary. Keeping that aside I could see a true portrayal of India. The book is about living in India, living with India and living as an Indian . If you want to enjoy the book, you should know India. 

Ambling Indian is not a story. It is a collection of events witnessed by Aina Rao- the ambling Indian. The real aam aadmi. Not a pretentious mangoman. 

The book has sarcasm, satire, criticism, reflection and moreover an out pour of the heart feelings. The most commendable quality of the book is the phraseology and uniqueness. Authoress proved that we need not use sleazy dialogues or double meaning to pull off humor. The book might not make us laugh our bowels out but it will surely touch our funny bone. 

The book is a simple and light read but with an inherent message that reaches deep inside. The pace is not steady. Some events felt like an unnecessary addition, which stuck out of the whole context of the book.

The design of the book cover is in tune with the book. Rustic, and unique.


  • Unique writing style.
  • Humour


  • Inconsistency

One Liner

India portrayed humorously, sincerely and effectively.

Reviewed for the publisher

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Aina Rao is an alumnus  of the Oxbridges of the East (IIT and IIM ), who lived and worked in London before relocating to beautiful Bangalore. She is a Financial Services Professional by training, and a writer ( genre-humour), a singer( Bollywood ) by passion. She writes and sketches as the ambling indian, the aam aadmi, aam aurat, common man or common woman of India, bringing out the fun and the joy of being here.
She is available to write guest columns and speak on various topics, or host sessions with special reference to the Indian context, including “ Innovation”, “ Humour”, “Life”, and “Ethics” .
Aina Rao is a silver medalist from IIT Delhi, and has worked in the Financial services industry for several years as a fund and investment manager. She has written for various publications including
Financial Times Advisor,London
Inmarkets, London
She has been a blogger for, writing editor’s picks and is now writing a series of hilarious books on India, the first one titled AMBLING INDIAN.
She lives with her family, the amblingindians, in the heart of Bangalore – both rural and urban. 
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