Review-An end to thrill by Varun Kumar

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Book Name          –    An End to thrill
Author                –    Varun Kumar  
Publisher            –    Strategic Book Publishing 
No.of Pages        –    52
Publishing Year-    2013
Edition               –    Paperback

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Rating : 3.5

An End to the Thrill is a collection of science fiction short stories, each one totally unique in its own way. The build up to the end of every story has been written in a way that will amaze readers, and each story has its own theme, its own genre, and its own different setting. As you reach the end of every story, be sure to expect the unexpected. The plot twists will appeal to readers of all ages. Born in New Delhi, India, Varun Kumar is currently pursuing his Master’s in Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. His next book is a thriller with a touch of romance. Publisher’s website:

My review

An end to thrill is a collection of nine short stories. Science fiction, fantasy, romance- The stories are a club of several genres. With crisp and gripping writing style author succeeded in grasping the attention of the readers. 

1. If Time Could Kill

This is a time travel story. The story of experiment and experience. Author succeeded in maintaining suspense.  Climax was a little clumsy. 3 stars

2. Dtreveni

This is a unique story. A refreshing style of writing. I didn’t understand the last sentence quite well. 4 stars

3. The Virus Affair

The story is a candid one. Predictable but interesting. 3 stars

4. The Miracle

Commendable imagery. Gripping pace. Suspenseful climax. 4.5 stars

5. Severance or Adherence

This is the longest story. The most imaginative rendition with an undercurrent of romance. 4 stars

6. Andrew

The story didn’t impress me at all. Every moment was predictable and the events weren’t connected well.2 stars

7. Repulsion, reverie, reality

Author succeeded in pulling off the figurative language quite well. Plausible imagination, albeit predictable twist. 3 stars

8. Troubled Waters

A poetic story. Author proved his literary excellence. 4.5 stars

9. I seek death

A literary journey to the ultimate finale. Author lost the grip towards the end. Nevertheless, a plausible attempt.


  • Variety
  • Uniqueness
  • Imagery
  • Crisp writing


  • Inconsistency

One Liner

Nine precious stones with varying lustre

Reviewed for the publisher

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

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