
The Swag Family Travels : Visits Mumbai by The Madhatter – A Refreshing Style of Kids Book

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 My 7-year-old is a book enthusiast but he is picky when it comes to the appeal of books. He needs attractive colors, flashy texture, and intermittent tasks to perform. In short, he looks forward to a complete activity package. The Swag Family Travels is one book that fits his description of an ideal book. Let me walk you through why?

The Swag Family Travels: Visits Mumbai by The Madhatter


While reading this simple story to a child who has not learned to read or sitting by a child who can read, the parent needs to engage in back-and-forth conversations while introducing them to problem-solving techniques. There’s an old saying, children do not come with manuals, so parents often struggle with raising a mentally strong kid. Here’s a piece of quality advice; Constantly introduce new ideas, concepts, items, colors, or numbers…But don’t teach the child. You’ll be surprised how quickly they’ll catch on. Then it’s left to you to move progressively forward. The Modern day Tottler can multitask, believe it. This little book is created small enough to carry around with you, the story is a series, the book is interactive, and stretches the child’s mental aptitude at a reasonable rate. Most of all it’s FUN and NOT JUST A  STORY BOOK!!

My Review

The book makes an instant connection with the little readers, thanks to the impeccable illustration and choice of color combinations. Since my son has ADHD getting his attention to the book was imperative. He immediately grabbed the book and started going through it. Next moment I saw him reading the story out loud. The flashy papers and bright colors contributed to the visual appeal of the books.

The narration that endears

The narration is in such a way that the child will find it easy to read while they learn vocabulary. The story is for all ages and hence this can be a bedtime story as well. The author takes us through the tourist destinations of Mumbai and maneuvers the imaginations of the little readers deftly. The plot begins with a snippet of the daily life of the swag family. It is relatable and every child in an average Indian household would relate it with his/her life. 

The activities

The activities in the books are helpful in the sensory learning of the child. My child has ADHD was engrossed in the activities. They are short and simple and hence the child would want to do more. A matter of secret is that once or twice I did the activities myself as I was amused with the tasks. If you are reading out the book to a toddler, we can still connect with them as the activities are appropriate for kids of varying age groups.
Overall the book is a refreshing change from the same old princess and Grandma tales. 

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