My Father is a hero by Nishant Kaushik- Review

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Name         – My Father is a hero

Author                  – Nishant Kaushik
Publisher              – Srishti Publications
Number of Pages – 195
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback 
                    – 195

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Rating : 3.5

My Review

For the ease of reviewing a book can be divided into three sections- Beginning , plot and climax. For this book it is impossible to give a general review since the three sections of the book have three graphs. The beginning of the book is like a 90s movie concentrating more on the relations, and the toiling of common man. The father- daughter relation is celebrated well. The character Vaibhav Kulkarni is developed stage by stage. His affection towards his daughter, his separation with his wife and his inability to cope up with official politics have been portrayed effectively. 

As the plot develops the reality and terror of kid’s pressure, and depression elaborates the storyline. Vaibhav’s daughter Nisha, who is the Apple of everyone’s eyes, plunges into the pit of depression, making his world topsy turvy. Unable to comprehend the sudden change in his daughter, Vaibhav decides to take his daughter to meet Rihanna, Nisha’s idol. Further what happens need to be read.

Language of the book is simple yet enchanting. A sincere attempt to bring the readers close to earth. The basic storyline seems normal and repeated but the events are connected well. The concentration of the whole storyline falls on the father-daughter duo and the rest of the characters take a complete backseat. The climax of the story disappointed me though it was expected. 

If you are expecting a book which is close to reality, this is the best. There are no unexpected twists or thrilling cliffhangers but there are some moments which remind you of your life with your father.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

About the author

Nishant Kaushik is the author of four bestselling novels. He lives in Australia with his wife and son.

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