Review of The pleasure is all mine by Shanaya Taneja

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Name         – The pleasure is all mine

Author                  – Shanaya Taneja
Publisher              – Srishti Publishers
Number of Pages -176
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
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Rating : 2.5


Trisha wants to be rich and famous, so she opens her arms for all the right men. She doesn’t care if it’s Sanjay or someone else. She has the beauty to lure and the brain to know how, where and when. 
Sanjay is a happy man – with a beautiful trophy wife and roaring extra marital affairs. He dated a few, slept with many, but respected none. Until he saw Trisha and she was all he could think about. 
A refined socialite and a renowned man’s wife – that’s the identity Bharti has lived with. Caught in a loveless marriage, she dares to break free and find herself when love comes knocking. 
Breathtakingly charming and lovable, Ankit is a guy who thinks from his heart. He lives to enjoy life and makes every second count when he bumps into Bharti. 
The only thing more shocking than the dark, dangerous pleasures they discover is how right it feels. When their lives mingle and feelings kindle, dirty secrets are revealed. 
A story of love, lust, deception and betrayal, The Pleasure Is All Mine is an irresistibly sensual page-turner that explores having it all and the consequences of wanting more.

My Review

A woman will do anything for love, a man will do anything for sex. This has been uttered on and on. But Shanaya Taneja rewrote the formula. A man will do anything for power, a woman will do anything for success. 
An intertwined formula of love, lust and money. Unfortunately te book failed to deliver anything more than erotica. The feelings of lust overpowered the need to be loved. Narration is simple and the storyline is predictable. Literarily, the book doesn’t  deliver much.
I would recommend the book to those readers who would like to have an inclination towards erotica.

Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

After the success of the hot-selling novel The Naughty Proposal, Shanaya Taneja is back with a sinfully seductive romance where everything has a price and the cost of love is the highest of all. She works in the advertising industry and juggles between Mumbai and Delhi for her work. Fond of travelling and photography, she has a keen interest in exploring new domains.
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