Review of No time to pause by Pavithra Ramesh

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Name         -No time to pause

Author                  – Pavithra Ramesh
Publisher              – Half baked beans
Number of Pages – 130
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
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Rating : 3.0


Life of a young adult is
filled with joy and mystery. ‘No Time to Pause’ is a 
narration of a typical
college student who decides to stay miles away from her 
family to get value
education. She faces a host of challenges, encounters varied 
adventures and
meets people who leave a tremendous impact on her life. With 
the college term
ending, she leaves the institution not only as an academic 
achiever, but also a
strong woman ready to face the rough world out there. She 
realises that life
keeps moving on and there is no time to look back or regret.

My Review

Stories are never set against a preset format. Nevertheless we all expect a storyline to be designed in a particular manner. No time to pause breaks the conventional style of designing a storyline. The story is an anecdote of the college life of the protagonist. Other than the daily happenings, there aren’t much of a story format. 

For those who spent their college life in hostels, the book will surely evoke nostalgia. The homesickness, meeting new friends, having fun with them, dealing with possessiveness, misunderstandings, last minute assignment submissions all are instances that everyone has faced at least once it their life. 

Sincerity is the core quality of the story. Aditi’s love story is well portrayed with right amount of suspense. A little more homework would have taken the book to another level.

Readers should not approach the book to find a typical clinched story format. Read this as an easy breezy teen story.

Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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