Review of What I didn’t expect when I was expecting Tina Trikha

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Name                -What I didn’t expect when I was expecting 

Author                  – Trina Trikha

Publisher              – Rupa Publications

Number of Pages – 186

Publishing Year   – 2016

Edition                  – Paperback 

Price                     – 175
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Rating : 5.0

As a career-driven professional, things were fairly organized and
predictable in this woman’s life—that is, until she became a mother. What I
Didn’t Expect When I Was Expecting chronicles a mom’s tempestuous journey, as
she raises three children, moves continents and handles the demands of a
high-pressure job. 

follow are rollicking anecdotes—of a mother, teetering on the brink of
sleep-deprivation-induced-delirium, picking up new survival skills. These
include strengthening her reflexes to dodge food projectiles; learning the art
of controlling weak bladder muscles; and remaining sober during children’s
birthday parties. Along the way, we’re also witness to her comical (albeit
failed) attempts at becoming a ‘tiger mom’! What I Didn’t Expect When I Was Expecting
highlights a mother’s struggle as she strives to strike a balance between her
children and her career by ‘leaning in’ without toppling over.

My Review

‘Motherhood is the most blissful and happiest experience.’ Whoever said this would not have a child of their own. While it’s an undeniable fact the no other experience can replace parenthood albeit the bliss is accompanied by several nightmares. While a first time dad/mom gets themselves ready for the parenthood, they might not have the faintest idea that what they expected was quite different from what they experienced in reality. ‘What I didn’t expect when I was expecting’ is the real life experience of a mother of not one, not two but three.

Every chapter can be easily related. The matter of the book is similar to ‘I made a booboo’ by Shivangi Sharma but still I would like to count this as a separate book. The main difference is that the book gives an account of what happens when kids grow up and also deal with their siblings. This one is the most entertaining among the parenting series but is low on the informative side. As a mother of three myself, I could relate to every incident in the book. The book is a reality check for the wannabe moms. While portraying the terror of handling your kids, authoress simultaneously portrayed the content one feels when we start loving someone unconditionally. 

Authoress did not make any attempt to portray herself as a patient mom who exclusively  mollycoddles their kids, no matter what they did. Tina is a representative of the mass of moms including me, who feels jealous when their kids are more attached to anyone but them, and could not keep themselves from yelling at the naughty sweeties. After all the yelling and screaming like an ogre, they end up feeling the pang of guilt. This is just so real. The anecdote on teen handling is priceless.

The cover image is the most attractive feature. The image of three hellions making the house upside down while their parents come flying on a skateboard is stupendous. One would jump to grab a copy of the book on seeing just the cover. A perfect blurb adds cherry to the cake.

As with every parenting book, this is also targeted mainly at the parents and wannabe parents. But I would recommend the book to children especially teenagers to know your parents better.
Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Tina Trikha is a mother of three school-going children. She has
lived and worked in India, Hong Kong and the United States and presently calls
Mumbai her home. She holds degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and the Wharton School of Business and finds those particularly
useful when trying to teach multiplication to her children.
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