Interview with Sanjay Bordia- Author of the Claim

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Today we have an author who introduced investigative auditing to the Indian readers. Please welcome Sanjay bordia, the author of The Claim.

Hi Sanjay

Welcome to my virtual teté-a-teté
To start with, share
your CA journey. A short note on the do’s and don’ts will help the aspiring
I completed my CA course in 1986. I passed all my groups in
first attempt though appeared for one group at a time.
CA course requires both intelligence and diligence, one trait
will not do.  So I advise all the
aspiring CAs to work very hard, don’t rot but understand the concepts
thoroughly.  The course is very vast, so
one need to be mentally strong to handle so many concepts at a time. But
remember, it is not impossible.  Regular and
informed study is the requirement.
Best thing about CA is that cost of doing it is very less in
comparison to other professional courses.
Tell us a little about yourself and
your background?
I am from Udaipur-Rajasthan, aged 53 years.  My wife takes care of the house and my
daughter is in CA final.  I am working in
an Indian MNC.
When did you decide to become a
Since childhood, I was interested in writing. Writing for
school magazines and local newspapers were my addiction.  In school days I was known as ‘Aashu Kavi’ or
a poet who can write on the spot.
In my half yearly exams of 9th standard I wrote an
essay.  The teacher was floored with it
and made me recite the essay in 6 classes i.e. two sections each of 9th,
10th and 11th.
In those days I used to write in Hindi. I would like to
reveal that I did my graduation in Hindi medium.
Which writers inspire you?
There are many.
In Hindi language my favorite are Shrilal Shukla, Sharad
Joshi, Hari Shankar Parsai and a few more.
In English language my favorite are Hanif Mohammad, Frank
MacCourt, Nadeem Aslam, Yan Martal, Vinod Mehta, Khalid Hosseni and a few more.
Investigative Auditing
is a new genre as far as I am concerned. Can you share your thoughts?
John Grisham, Alexander MacCal Smith, inspires me. These
writers use lots of their educational qualification for writing stories.  Since I am a CA, I started observing the
things in my office, following these kind of news, discussing with auditors
about their experiences.  These all gave
me idea to write this book.
Do the auditors
actually venture out like investigators? Do you have similar experience?
Yes, many times. In my previous job, I laid my hands on a
fraud where ration coal was being sold in black market. 
So, What have you written?
I have written stories, participated in competitions like of Unilever
and Honda and won first prizes.  I won
prizes in writing intra group competitions. 
One of my articles published in Reader’s Digest. 
Honda’s first prize was a trip for four to Mauritius.  Unilever printed my photo on their tea
packets for one month distributed across India.
Where can we buy or see them?
I have copies of all of them but may not be available in public domain
Give us an insight into your main
character. What does he/she do that is so special?
The main character is CA Mohan Mohanty. He is a smart, intelligent,
sensitive and academically brilliant person. 
I have tried to develop his character as a person who is fond of Epic
Mahabharata and treat it as a Management Book.
Mohan doesn’t believe in showing off, he is not very smooth with
What are you working on at the
At present my focus is on marketing THE CLAIM. Trying to inform
about the book to as many persons as possible via social media, mails and
personal contacts.
What genre are your books?
THE CLAIM is a detective fiction
What draws you to this genre?
I think I know this genre, I have read many book in this genre.
How was your publishing experience?
You book is an apparent bestseller material. Did you find it difficult to find
I sent the book to many publishers, being a debut writer nobody gave
me any importance. Ultimately Leadstart agreed.
Were you interviewed by local
press/radio for your book launch?
No book launch has taken place yet.
Is there any marketing technique
you used that had an immediate impact on your sales figures?
I am contacting many insurance companies since it the book talks
about insurance fraud.
What advice would you give to
aspiring writers?
I did it because I enjoy writing. Write, if you love it.
Where do you see publishing going
in the future?
Rising literacy level is generating new readers but the same readers
are moving to Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter.
If given a chance, will you make any changes to your book?
If the book goes in second edition, I would like to add a few more
pictures in it.
How can readers discover more about
you and you work?

Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to
take part in this interview.

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