Review of I made a booboo by Shivangi Sharma

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Book Name         – I made a booboo

             – Shivangi Sharma

             – Rupa Publications

of Pages – 208

Year   – 2016

                 – Paperback

Buy books from Amazon, Flipkart

Rating : 5.0

Once upon a time there was a woman who used to
sleep eight hours a day and laze around on weekends. Her clothes were mostly
free of gross body fluids and her bag rarely had biscuit crumbs. Then she
decided to have a baby. With books and the internet for friends – and a husband
who answered commonsensically – she thought she had it all sorted. But then her
baby arrived, and turned everything upside down! The baby made it his mission
to present a new surprise every day. Mommy, after fighting hours of
helplessness, came to learn that parenting was a lost battle. There was only
one way to survive – keep calm, laugh on and write when the baby dozes. The
result : I made a Booboo, a rollicking account of the trials, tribulations and
occasional triumphs of a first-time mom. P.S: Everyone did live happily ever
after (albeit only when the baby willed so).

My Review

The review might be biased since I am a mother. Yes I mean it! Every mother will relate to this book lest they are blessed with obedient, well behaved and soft children.
Shivangi shares her experience as a first time mother- the mistakes, the blunders, which are funny, interesting and frustrating at the same time.

Every single word reminded me of how I tackled my first child.  Starting with finding answers from google about child behavior and failing miserably, being embarrassed by the tantrums the throw in public, and what not. I am short of words while writing the review since I don’t know how to assess the book. I am not writing much. Just the following words describe the book.

The book targets, 1. every mother who had a hyperactive/ highly active child, deprived of sleep
                                   2. Every wannabe mothers who think that I will not bring up my child like this while seeing a naughty, disobedient brat.
                                  3. Every pregnant ladies or going to be pregnant ladies who think that the  vitual mother community will help you raise your child.

                                  4. Everyone in the male species who think that looking after a child is easy job.

                                  5. Every man who have helped his wife handle their child.

The above category is irrespective of age

for the publisher
of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in
exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Shivangi Sharma, a Marketing
professional with an MBA from ISB, Hyderabad, has co-authored an anthology
titled Dutched Up (rated among top travel books of 2015 by the WSJ) and has
written for Mother’s World, a popular parenting magazine. She lives in
Amsterdam with her husband who plays way more sports than a normal wife can be
okay with, and her son, who rarely listens to her. To maintain her sanity
through it all, she performs as part of a professional Bollywood dance troupe
in different European cities, and indulges in yoga, spirituality and music at
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