Review- Sands of time by Neelam Saxena Chandra

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Book Name           – Sands of time
Author                  – Neelam Saxena Chandra
Publisher              – Panther House
Number of Pages – 140
Publishing Year   – 2015
Edition                  – Paperback

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Rating : 3.5


‘SANDS OF TIME’ is a collection of twelve interesting stories which bring out the different moods and moments in the lives of women.

My review

Sands of time takes us through the lives of twelve women. They are not mere characters. They are human beings in flesh n blood, that we see around us. We have met them may be as friends, relatives, neighbors or news items. But yes, they are there.

There is a lot of sincerity in the stories. The stories reinforces the importance of women education, freedom, empowerment and awareness. Authoress brings into light, those necessities which were neglected or considered nominal. Every aspect of a woman is depicted with finesse. Needless to say that the writing style is quite engaging. She has already proved herself. 

The vile side of womanhood could also have been shown in a story. It would have been an icing on the cake. Authoress has done her part meticulously, but the remaining part was disappointing. Right from proofreading and typesetting to the layout of the book, least care was taken to allure the reader. It is said that one should not judge a book by its cover. Sands of time is a quintessential example of the same.  I am forced to take half a star.

Reviewed for book club

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Neelam Saxena Chandra completed her Engineering in Electronics & Power Engineering from V.N.I.T., Nagpur and went on to finish PG Dip in I.M & HRD and PG Dip in Finance Mgmt. She is working as Joint Secretary with UPSC. She shares from an incurable passion of writing poetry and fiction. Around seven hundred of her stories/poems have been published in various leading Indian as well as international magazines, anthologies and journals. Many of her stories/poems have been transmitted by Akashwani (Radio) also. Neelam was recently nominated in the list of 78 most well-known authors in India by Forbes for the year 2014

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