The review of Broken and Damaged love by T.L.Clark

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Book Name              :    Broken and damaged love
Author                     :    T.L.Clark
Publisher                 :    Self Published
Number of Pages    :    1207
Publishing Year      :     2015
Edition                     :     Kindle
Rating : 3.5


My name is Tina and this is my story. 

In the fullness of time I have gone from victim to survivor of child abuse, but it was hard work getting there. I am fortunate; I found good friends who helped me on my journey.Read how my life was turned from one of horror to one of happiness. 

Author’s note: This is a stand-alone work of fiction. It is a survivor story followed by a romance. It is different from my other books. 

Without the darkness there is no light. So we go through the horrendous start to get to the happy ending. Tina eventually finds some lovely friends who have their own stories to tell. 

I have written this to offer hope to survivors of child abuse, and to help inform the general public of the signs to watch out for. There is so much help out there; you can overcome your bad experiences. 

Because it is for a good cause, this book will permanently be sold for 99c/99p (or equivalent in other currencies). *My proceeds from the first month of Broken & Damaged Love’s sales will be donated to HAVOCA* 

***Please note that due to the theme of child abuse and sexually explicit scenes, this book is recommended for readers of 18+*** 

I have named the chapters, so if you’re sensitive to certain bits/have triggers you should at least have a warning and the option to avoid the parts you really can’t face yet.

My Review

Broken and damaged love is the story of Tina who was a victim of Child abuse. I would rather call her survivor. 
The story begins with how Tina’s parents fell in love and tied the knot. Later when her father exploited her 

naivety, she becomes carried away, thinking that she is having a game with her dad. Realization engulfs her when she is fifteen and she turns in her father. The story develops as to how she copes up with circumstances thenceforth-Teasing, molestation, 

judgmental attitudes.

The first two chapters gives us a brief account of Tina’s parents life. This part seems rushed but since it is just an introduction, the reason why authoress rushed is understandable. Authoress has made sure to give a disclaimer (*If you have triggers or are in any way squeamish about abuse then please skip this chapter. Bad stuff is about to happen.*)in chapter 3 where in it is shown how her father made her do what he wanted. Nevertheless I feel that one should read this chapter to get the feel of the book. 
Later when Tina tries to put everything into place, events are linked one after the other seamlessly. Will she survive? Will she find true love? Will she meet her father?


Portrayal of Tina,  Frank, Jake and Peter is done with finesse. The friendship between Tina and Frank is rendered in such a way that the innocence, depth, affection and passion reaches the readers. I loved the authoress for the links provided in the end, about the organizations working for the survivors of sexual abuse, adult victims of child abuse, and even the firms that help homosexuals to deal with the reality. Now that’s called responsibility.


Some of the love making scenes especially between Frank and Jake was unnecessarily erotic. It is not quite necessary to dwell into such details unnecessarily wherein the same between Tina and her boyfriend is required, which authoress succeeded in pulling off with a controlled narration. 
The informal narration killed the seriousness of the topic dealt. Had it been a funny and light story, this style could have been a perfect entertainer. Nevertheless the seriousness of the topic handled and the responsibility with which authoress handles the same, neutralizes the negatives.

One Liner

A mirror to a shocking reality.

Avail the book from AMAZON 

About the author

I’m a self-published author (on Amazon only at the moment). I’m 30something and was born and raised in the UK. I have a lovely and supportive husband and an irritating but much spoiled & loved cat.

I have a mundane 9-5 job, but fit my writing in around that and practising holistic therapies.

Each of my books is completely separate from the other, so you don’t have to read them in any particular order. I’ve tried to look at love from different angles.

Youngs Love – was the first book I wrote. It features Samantha striving for independence. As she breaks away from her controlling marriage she explores the world of dating with varying results. There’s a trip to Tuscany and lots of slushy bits as well as some raunchy scenes. Look out for the extra strong mints!

Trues Love – follows feisty Amanda who loves her free & single world filled with nights of passion with different men. She goes to Ibiza with a girly friend and runs into a blonde Adonis of a bodyguard. Is this true love or a holiday romance? It’s certainly not short on action.

Dark Love – I wrote this by popular demand. It’s the BDSM one! Male Submissive Jonathan is guided by Mistress Eisengrau through a world of dungeons and a journey of self exploration. 

I hope you enjoy reading my books. If you do, please please leave a review. I truly appreciate every single review.

Reviewed for the author

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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