Publisher : Createspace
Publishing Year : 2015
Edition : Paperback.
A nonfiction work; a memoir about certain aspects of the author’s life, family and community written by the author in the form of literary poetry.
My Review
Corridors of my mind is a collection of 132 poems. The poems are predominantly about love, loss, hatred, pain, dejection etc. Poetess clearly laments domestic violence and treachery in relations. The deep felt emotions are conveyed well with the readers. We will feel a deep pain in our heart while we put down our book. It is highly unfortunate that a girl of this level of talent had to suffer so much in her life. Some of the poems lingers to the reader even hours after completing the book. There are a few poems with a lighter mood like Into the pink veil and Dear Sweet tooth. She has also written two songs. They are well written written and grabs the beat. Overall the books are well written with highly emotional tone.
A poem being subjective is understandable but when almost 75% of the book becomes subjective, it becomes monotonous. I got a scanned copy of the book. Hence it was difficult to assess the other details.
The poems that stole my heart
1. Kiss me tomorrow when I’m dead
2. Devout
3. Nature
4. When the Kingdom fell
5. Martyr
6. The Quest
7. Letter to the unknown soldier
8. Angel’s Proverb
“If you live on regrets, you will be living a parasitic life” A quote from Angel’s proverb
My Review
The poems that stole my heart
1. Kiss me tomorrow when I’m dead
2. Devout
3. Nature
4. When the Kingdom fell
5. Martyr
6. The Quest
7. Letter to the unknown soldier
8. Angel’s Proverb
“If you live on regrets, you will be living a parasitic life” A quote from Angel’s proverb
One Liner
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About the author
I am an indie author who writes all genres and inventor.
I am currently separated and have a eight year old son who is autistic/nonverbal and making steady and exceptional progress daily.
I will write his biography one day in the near future. And yes, I will be self-publishing it.
My novel “Weeping Well” will be on Amazon and online participating stores such as B&N, Booksamillion etc. in Spring 2016.
It’s a YA/literary fiction/coming of age/set in 1980-2008/family/mystery/suspense/psychological/horror/thriller/dark gothic romance/ erotic/ sports/ travel (Mississippi, UK, Chicago, Japan) multicultural, multiracial/multilingual and so much more.
My next novel is a sci-fi/fantasy/with several genres mixed in called “Mazzie Carson” and will be released and the sequel December 2016.
In between that time next year I will be doing Ghostwriting and Editing Services for Upcoming/Indie Authors (see Goodreads blog) questions on rates and times will be explained and posted at that time next year when I have a clear schedule from writing my own books.
*I will be doing Ghostwriting and Editing Services quarterly only, since I have my eight year old son to raise on my own, a household to run, and still publish and write my own books.
I have been writing for 25 years since I was 13 years old.
I have self-published my first of many books called “Corridors of My Mind,” a nonfiction memoir about my life written in the form of poetry.
I have been published before in poetry anthologies a number of times before when I was very young through poetry contests.
When I was fifteen years old, I was once offered a publishing contract by Harlequin, although they didn’t know how young I was at the time and I stupidly decided not to sign, I regret it still to this day and think I have bad author karma because of it. My mother said I should sign but, I didn’t listen (Mom’s usually know best, I should’ve listened) I wasn’t as confident about my writing back then.
But, I always wanted to be an indie author. I wrote for my college newspaper and yearbook when I was nineteen majoring in English and Journalism.
I love mixing genres and subgenres, subplots and plots. I mix it up until its a quagmire/ paradox of infinite plots twists and turns, etc.
I am literally incapable of writing any other way. Besides, I get bored easily and crave and use the glory of unpredictability in my writing. My writing is very unique and I go beyond the edge of literature.
I love literature and my favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Tennessee Williams, Bret Harte, William Shakespeare and yes I can understand every word spoken in Shakespeare’s works, one of my favorites of his is “Macbeth.” Mark Twain and William Faulkner, Alice Walker, Sylvia Plath, to name a few more etc. I don’t read anything that I don’t understand thoroughly.
Maybe that’s why I feel so at home with literature I understand it, the words, the syntax, irony, metaphors, etc. I have an obsession with it and that’s probably why I write it.
Here are direct links to my book on Amazon, Kindle and my Amazon Author’s Page:………………
Avail the book from AMAZON
About the author

I am an indie author who writes all genres and inventor.
I am currently separated and have a eight year old son who is autistic/nonverbal and making steady and exceptional progress daily.
I will write his biography one day in the near future. And yes, I will be self-publishing it.
My novel “Weeping Well” will be on Amazon and online participating stores such as B&N, Booksamillion etc. in Spring 2016.
It’s a YA/literary fiction/coming of age/set in 1980-2008/family/mystery/suspense/psychological/horror/thriller/dark gothic romance/ erotic/ sports/ travel (Mississippi, UK, Chicago, Japan) multicultural, multiracial/multilingual and so much more.
My next novel is a sci-fi/fantasy/with several genres mixed in called “Mazzie Carson” and will be released and the sequel December 2016.
In between that time next year I will be doing Ghostwriting and Editing Services for Upcoming/Indie Authors (see Goodreads blog) questions on rates and times will be explained and posted at that time next year when I have a clear schedule from writing my own books.
*I will be doing Ghostwriting and Editing Services quarterly only, since I have my eight year old son to raise on my own, a household to run, and still publish and write my own books.
I have been writing for 25 years since I was 13 years old.
I have self-published my first of many books called “Corridors of My Mind,” a nonfiction memoir about my life written in the form of poetry.
I have been published before in poetry anthologies a number of times before when I was very young through poetry contests.
When I was fifteen years old, I was once offered a publishing contract by Harlequin, although they didn’t know how young I was at the time and I stupidly decided not to sign, I regret it still to this day and think I have bad author karma because of it. My mother said I should sign but, I didn’t listen (Mom’s usually know best, I should’ve listened) I wasn’t as confident about my writing back then.
But, I always wanted to be an indie author. I wrote for my college newspaper and yearbook when I was nineteen majoring in English and Journalism.
I love mixing genres and subgenres, subplots and plots. I mix it up until its a quagmire/ paradox of infinite plots twists and turns, etc.
I am literally incapable of writing any other way. Besides, I get bored easily and crave and use the glory of unpredictability in my writing. My writing is very unique and I go beyond the edge of literature.
I love literature and my favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Tennessee Williams, Bret Harte, William Shakespeare and yes I can understand every word spoken in Shakespeare’s works, one of my favorites of his is “Macbeth.” Mark Twain and William Faulkner, Alice Walker, Sylvia Plath, to name a few more etc. I don’t read anything that I don’t understand thoroughly.
Maybe that’s why I feel so at home with literature I understand it, the words, the syntax, irony, metaphors, etc. I have an obsession with it and that’s probably why I write it.
Here are direct links to my book on Amazon, Kindle and my Amazon Author’s Page:………………