A bouncy trip through literary brillance.- Review of Pandora’s Box by Tushar Sen

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Book Name          :         Pandora’s Box        
Author                  :         Tushar Sen 
Publisher              :         Frog Books(Leadstart Publishing)
Number of Pages  :        165
Publishing Year    :         2015 
Binding/Edition    :        Paperback

Rating : 4.0


Pandora’s Box is a collection of tales that have woven reality and 

fiction together to serve to the reader spine chilling narratives and 

jaw dropping climaxes. Most of the stories are inspired by real life

 incidents and characters – like Saddam Hussein’s CIA connection

, the secret army of the Indian prime minister, Hitler’s biggest mass

 murderer, strangest rains where frogs fell from the sky, heroism of 

Mold of, terrorist funding in Columbia, NASA’s controversial 

 landings and so on. Some stories are inspired by characters around

 you who touch your lives in so many ways yet go unnoticed. Some

 climaxes will urge you to read the story again with a new

  perspective. If imagination is more powerful than knowledge 

then here is a book that invites you to join the author in the 

most powerful imaginative endeavors you may have ever 

undertaken till now . . . in a literary environment of course.

My review

Pandora’s box is a short story collection. Author handles a lot of diverse topics. The book is like a fruit salad where unmatched topics are mixed together to give a palatable flavor. Since this is a short story collection, it cannot be classified in a highlight drawback cabin. 
A unique quality which I could see in every story is the unpredictability. The twist in the climax of many stories came like a shocking surprise since there are very few books which I failed to guess the end. This is one among the few. 
Some stories could have been novels since there are a lot happening. There are 21 stories. I would like to review each and every story in detail but since they are short stories, my detailed review might end up as spoilers. But I will name a few.

The stories Ferret, Cryptic Patient, Free Fall, Blood Thirsty Prototypes, Adobe acrobat,and WWII astonished me with the twist in the end. Mustache Gang is also of the same league but I guessed the twist.
The Paying guest should have been a novel. It gave me a compressed feeling since a lot was happening and author rushed through it. It would have been perfect, had it been a novel.
David Goliath, Devil’s Workshop, Philosopher’s Stone, Pandora’s Box, Tiger Tiger burning bright, Hail Mogambo, and Last Viking have a geopolitical dimension. Author tried put light to the hidden agenda of the several political manifestations. 

Torrent, Satanic Provocation,the vicious circle, convicted, laughing gas, and Unnoticed are more of a contemporary style but at the same time with a psychological application.

 One Liner

The literary works of a writer who is responsible, reactive, talented, and unpredictable. 

Avail the book from AMAZON & FLIPKART

 About the Author

Tushar Sen makes his entry into the budding fraternity of 

Bankers turning into Writers with his maiden attempt – 

Pandora’s Box. He lives in Mumbai and can be reached at 

sen.tushar@hotmail.com or followed @tusharsarojsen on 


Reviewed for the publisher(Leadstart Publishing)

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy from the Author in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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