The childhood writer grew to a perfect author- A review of One Last Wish by Nicole Belanger

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Book Name
        One Last Wish      
Nicole Belanger   
                :         Wavecloud Corporation
Number of Pages    :     
Publishing Date
    :         October 5,2015
                :         Paperback

Rating : 4.0

13: 9781622173181

Time is never on our side. It’s always
selfishly working against us. When Sarah went missing, time slipped by with the
blink of an eye, and the faster it passed, the faster I lost hope. Hope that
she’d still be alive. Hope that she would come home safely. And it wasn’t until
Officer Reed Parker knocked on my door that I thought it was finally over. But
it’ll never be over. They found her body. She’s dead. But who took her? Who killed
her? Was it the same set of eyes that stalked me in the night, lurking behind
corners, between cars, and waiting? For what? To take me, next? When the people
I love most start slipping away from me, fingers start pointing in different
directions and I wonder who I can truly trust. That’s the thing about time,
it’s infinite, but eventually you run out of it. 
One last wish is the story of Brooke Ryder. Her
life topple over when her little daughter Sarah goes missing. She, along with
her grandmother, holds on to the hope of finding Sarah safe and sound, till
officer Reed Parker comes to inform her Sarah is no more. The next moment she
finds herself as one of the suspects, in the name of procedure. She tries to
find solace in the drinks she gets from the bar. Even the grieving session with
her grandmother could not help her. At the verge of losing herself, she meets
Sean Crawford, who holds her hand and helps her swim away from the sinking
ship. Sarah’s father Mike (Michael Gerard) returns to Brooke’s life after
Sarah’s demise. But Brooke is not ready to accept someone who deserted her when
he knew that she was pregnant. Brooke is happy with Sean, but for the feeling
that someone is stalking her. Brooke, along with Sean, decides to find the
Nevertheless, happiness is never permanent in
Brooke’s life. First, she lost her mother when she was a sixteen. Then she lost
her boyfriend when she was eighteen. Then she lost her daughter when she was
twenty-five. Brooke is not ready to face another disaster in her life but she
never knew that the tornadoes in her life had just begun. The rest is reserved
for the book.
Brooke Ryder: The protagonist. Twenty-five year old
girl who lives with her grandmother and daughter.
Sean Crawford: A bartender who walks into Brooke’s
life when her hopes started fading.
Michael Herard: Brooke’s ex-boyfriend who left her
when she got pregnant with his child.
Reed Parker: The police officer investigating
Sarah’s murder.
Nana: Brooke’s grandmother
Sarah: Brooke’s daughter who is present all over
the story even if she is not there.


“Everyone makes
mistakes,” she says, “but we have to learn from them. We have to find the
hidden message we’ve been given from it. Sometimes we find that message;
other times we don’t.”
The authoress has done justice to the characters.
The plot is a close-knit one without any lose ends. The pain Brooke felt on
losing her daughter is portrayed with utmost conviction. The relations of
Brooke with Nana, Sean, Mike and Reed have been portrayed in a crisp and sharp
manner. Authoress has tried to maintain the mystery element and succeeded in
the same. The language and literary style is simple but professional. Brooke as
a mother, granddaughter, and lover is perfectly portrayed. Authoress take us
smoothly to a ride through Brooke’s life and forces us to keep reading. Unlike
most of the indie author books, this book had practically no grammar mistakes or
typos, which impressed me the most.

Sometimes, when a killer goes free, they hang around the grave
of the person they killed.
At some points, the relation between Sean and
Brooke seem to be dragged too much at the wrong timing. After reading one
fourth of the story, I could guess the mystery but that might be because I have
been reading a lot of thrillers lately. The grieving sessions seem to be
misplaced. It could have been avoided or elaborated a little more.


An emotional and
romantic thriller
the book from

About the Author

Nicole has been writing since she was six-years old. When
she was thirteen, she began writing her first book, Lost Voice, which she
finished at fifteen. Shortly before her high school graduation, Nicole
published her first book at the age of seventeen. She began working in the
medical field when she was eighteen as a Certified Nursing Assistant. She’s
also an avid photographer, featuring one of her photographs on the cover of
Lost Voice. Since then, Nicole has published two additional books, Shadows
(2014) and One Last Wish (2015).

Reviewed for the author

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy
from the Author in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a
positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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